Molla Fenari Mosque

This mosque is built in the early 15th century by Mehmet Shemseddin, by-named Molla Fenari, one of the wise men and judges during the reign of Yıldırım Bayezid, who was granted the duty of “Sheikh ul-lslam” (the chief religious official in the Ottoman Empire) during the reign of Murad Hudavendigar II. 

Substantial sections of this mosque are rebuilt. Due to its topography, it is accessed from its eastern façade. The mosque’s asymmetric portico for latecomers is bonded to the mosque in eastern direction. Its main prayer hall is divided into two sections by “Bursa” arches.  This structure sustained major damage in the 1855 earthquake, and was renovated by the “Bursa Ancient Artwork Lovers’ Society”, and the Foundations’ Directorate-General in 1969. This structure has preserved only a part of its minaret and of its south wall as authentic parts.

In this mosque’s graveyard, there are the tombs of Molla Fenari (died 1429), of his sons, and of his daughters.
